Shannon Taylor: Bringing Traditional Ecological Knowledge to conservation and cartography Sept. 25, 2023 Shannon Taylor, White Mountain Apache and Navajo, is a junior studying Geographic Information Systems Technology. In this Q&A, she discusses how she hopes to apply Traditional Ecological Knowledge along with GIS and cartography to help with Native American communities' conservation efforts, historic preservation, land management and other tribal environmental issues. Read more Image
The pace of climate-driven extinction is accelerating, a UArizona-led study shows Sept. 18, 2023 Studying a lizard species in 18 mountain ranges in southeastern Arizona, researchers found 70 years' worth of climate-related extinction occurred in only seven years. Read more at UArizona News Image
UArizona experts suggest solutions to encourage food, water and economic security in a changing climate Aug. 30, 2023 University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins created a commission to identify solutions to the challenges facing Arizona agriculture in a rapidly changing climate. The recommendations are outlined in a new report. Read more at UArizona News Image
Faculty Feature: Zack Guido Aug. 19, 2023 Zack Guido is the Director of AIR’s International Programs, who unravels the intricate interplay between resilience and adaptability in the face of environmental stressors. In this Q&A, Guido delves into his collaboration with communities to bolster their climate resilience, advocating for the integration of weather and climate information into decision-making processes. He explores the pivotal connection between resilience work and pressing matters of social justice and equity, shedding light on the importance of actively involving marginalized communities in research. Read more Image
A common mold could help a bee species thrive Aug. 10, 2023 Researchers have found that the bees, which cut bits of leaves for their nests, prefer leaves that harbor the common mold Aspergillus, which may help enhance the insects' health and survival. Read more at UArizona News Image