Undergraduate Major Programs

Agricultural Technology Management and Education
Leadership and Communication Emphasis
Prepare to lead the next wave of agriculture and natural resource innovation and to become a leader, community change agent, or ambassador or advocate for the agriculture industry while studying science, technical agriculture, and principles of entrepreneurial leadership while building communication, management, and problem-solving skills.

Agricultural Technology Management and Education
Teaching Emphasis
Become a future innovative leader who finds solutions to the world's social, environmental, economic, and resource challenge. Complete coursework from basic sciences—plant, soil, and animal—agricultural mechanics, and the principles of the teaching-learning process and wrap up with a 14-week student teaching internship at a cooperating center in Arizona.

Applied Humanities
Fashion Studies Emphasis
Express your sense of style while developing your creative, interpersonal, and business skills. Acquire the knowledge you need to enter and shape the fashion industry while learning about fashion retailing, emerging fashion markets, producing and marketing fashion ethically and sustainably, and the relationships between human culture and fashion.

Architectural Engineering
Develop your foundation in structural health monitoring and analysis, materials processing, water and energy efficiency, and gain real-world experience through specialized projects, architectural studio courses, and paid internships while preparing for a career focused on the structural integrity and resilience of buildings and the comfort and health of their occupants.

Biosystems Engineering
Develop the skills and knowledge to help guide the world toward a sustainable future by studying ways to sustainably feed an ever-growing world population, harness and preserve natural resources, and overcome environmental challenges. Immersion in design throughout the major prepares you to help protect the health and well-being of humans, wildlife and the Earth.

Uncover the groundbreaking solutions and cutting-edge innovations that will help shape the future of science, technology, medicine and engineering while developing a strong theoretical background in physics, materials science, medicine and biology and learning how to apply that knowledge to a range of biological and physical systems.

Civil Engineering
Prepare to create infrastructure that stands the test of time using methods and materials that preserve the world's vital resources and protect the environment while studying a broad range of subjects. Opportunities for paid internships, fieldwork, capstone projects and design-build competitions position graduates to fill much-needed roles in public and private sectors.

Environmental and Water Resource Economics
Prepare to become a responsible leader in the management of natural resources through coursework in quantitative methods, economics, politics and communication. You'll learn how to formulate policies for responsibly managing natural resources while gaining skills in business management, human resources, and food/fiber production.

Environmental Engineering
Prepare for a career as an environmental engineer who can develop methods for clean manufacturing, wastewater treatment, water purification, alternative energy, and sustainable building. Learn about toxicity and pollutants and how to address issues across a range of industries that potentially affect the environment and public health in classroom study, research, and real-world design projects.

Environmental Science
Physical and Chemical Dynamics Emphasis
Learn how to apply scientific principles to environmental conservation and identify ways to overcome ecological challenges while integrating concepts from biology, chemistry, and physics to comprehend how different environments function as systems. Graduate ready to apply that understanding to the planet's most pressing issues related to soil, water, air, human health, and natural resources.
Environmental Themes
Career Fields