Undergraduate Major Programs

Agricultural Technology Management and Education
Teaching Emphasis
Become a future innovative leader who finds solutions to the world's social, environmental, economic, and resource challenge. Complete coursework from basic sciences—plant, soil, and animal—agricultural mechanics, and the principles of the teaching-learning process and wrap up with a 14-week student teaching internship at a cooperating center in Arizona.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Explore evolutionary ecology and genetics in the first department of its kind in the world. Prepare to pursue graduate study or a career such as scientific journalism, developing environmental and scientific policy, or practicing law in related fields through core courses in genetics, ecology and evolution, and additional opportunities for independent research.

Food Studies
Gain knowledge to address pressing social and environmental problems in local and global food systems. An interdisciplinary approach that examines how food is connected to culture, society, policy, and the environment prepares students for careers any number of food-related fields, including education, public policy, entrepreneurship, and community development.

Water, Environment and Society Emphasis
Explore water supply and demand—a critical issue globally and in the Western U.S.—at a the world's No. 1 program in water resources. Courses examine key challenges and train you in the methods to address them, including remote sensing, geographic information science, and field methods, complemented by internships and research opportunities at renowned facilities and organizations.

As the first Bachelor of Arts in Law in the country, this degree is designed to meet the high demand for professionals with legal training across a wide spectrum of careers. Students learn key foundational aspects of law, such as criminal and civil procedure, contracts and torts, while specialized internships in real-world environments allow them to home in on areas of interest.

Molecular and Cellular Biology
Education and Communication Emphasis
Prepare for career in teaching, journalism, or research writing that includes your passion for biology. Become proficient in chemistry, math, physics, ecology, and biology and complete courses in science learning and journalism to grasp methods of imparting key evidence-based data, analysis, and findings to the general public.

Natural Resources
Global Change Ecology and Management Emphasis
Gain understanding of biological and physical sciences, conservation law, socioeconomics, and new technologies for geospatial mapping and remote sensing while cultivating leadership, problem-solving, collaboration, management, and critical thinking skills to prepare for a career as a natural resource scientist, manager, and leader ready to address evolving management changes in the face of global change.

Political Science
Law and Public Policy Emphasis
Transform theory into action with a degree that offers real-world guidance on how to effect change and lead policy. Students study not only the foundations of political theory, institutions, international relations, foreign affairs and more, but also the how-to of making policy and progress happen.

Public Management and Policy
Environmental Policy Emphasis
Study how public and nonprofit organizations are managed, financed, and organized, and how public policies are made and implemented at the local, state, and federal levels. A major in Public Management & Policy will help you qualify for many different careers in public sector organizations, including local, state, and federal government; nonprofit organizations; and environmental policy.
Environmental Themes
Career Fields