Jaden Iniguez Shows Us You Don't Have to Have Everything Figured Out to Know What You're Passionate About

What is your major/year?
I just graduated this May with a degree in Environmental Science, emphasis in Leadership, Sustainability, and Communication.
What are you involved in on campus or in Tucson?
Green Fund, Students for Sustainability, Dean's Entrepreneurial Leadership Council (DELC), lab research under the department of Environmental Science.
What sustainability issues are you most passionate about?
I am highly interested in overconsumption and waste, especially plastic. I am passionate about reducing resource draw and pollution by assessing our consumption patterns and global waste systems and developing future policies to address these issues.
What was the first thing that sparked your interest in helping with campus sustainability?
I came to the University of Arizona already interested in sustainability, and my experience
What are your plans now that you have graduated?
I am working at a large scale Greenhouse which is allowing me to stay in Tucson for another year while I figure out my next step, whether that be additional schooling or a continued career path.
What advice would you give current and future UA students that want to get involved with environmental issues/activism?
I would say to get involved in different environmental/conservation or social justice groups on campus. You will meet people with similar interests, and it will provide a mechanism for your involvement. Also, learn more about Tucson and look for places to get involved off campus! In addition to meeting similarly minded people, getting involved off campus will make it easier to learn about local issues and events and to have a role in activism.