Green & Clean

It’s no secret that as students and faculty return to campus, health and safety regarding COVID-19 is a top priority across every department! Here at the Arizona Institute for Resilience, it is important to find a balance between safety, sanitization, and staying environmentally friendly. From washing masks to wiping down door knobs, there is a green product for anything! Thanks to the Environmental Working Group, we have been able to compile a reliable list of products that you can use to protect yourself and others in order to flatten the curve of COVID-19, without hurting the environment!
We all know the importance of keeping our homes free of pests and grime, but it is important to sanitize surfaces in your home in order to limit your exposure to COVID-19. Here are some sustainable solutions to help you do so!
- Water & Vinegar
- A cheap and natural way to clean your home (and your produce!)
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to keep clean, while emitting zero volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere
- Public Goods
- Public Goods is an online platform with sustainable cleaning products for every part of your home
It's also important to check labels on any goods you use/purchase. Look for images that identify whether a product is recyclable, compostable, or eco-friendly!
To limit the spread of COVID-19, it's always important to mask-up!
- Sustainable Masks
- Just like it's important to opt for reusable water bottles rather than plastic ones, it's also important to use reusable, cloth masks rather than disposable ones!
- Where can I find sustainable masks?
- Many different clothing brands are now also making inexpensive and environmentally friendly masks! Check out brands like,, and!
If you’re ever worried about being exposed to COVID-19, it’s important to shower as soon as you get home. Here’s some personal hygiene products that can protect you and the planet!
- For the Shower
- This zero waste shampoo/conditioner bar will clean your hair, nourish your scalp, and keep the planet happy.
- For the Cabinet
- by Humankind is a great eco-friendly brand to shop for all of your personal hygiene products! From toothpaste, to hand sanitizer, to cotton swabs, by Humankind has it all!
- For the Laundry
- All products from Dropps are compostable, recyclable, and engineered to keep your linens (and your masks) clean!
- ALWAYS wear a mask
- Go on wide trails so you and your friends can stay 6 ft apart and still spend time with each other!
- Gardening is a great activity to do by yourself and clear your head
- Watching sunrise/sunsets from your car
- Try not to swim in bodies of water that aren’t treated with chemicals
The BEST way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to stay home and minimize contact with others as much as possible! Always wear a mask when you are unable to stay home, wash your hands frequently, and stay home when you are sick!
For information on the University of Arizona’s Test, Trace, Treat policy, click here
Remember to stay Clean & Green!