From initial planning to supervision of construction, civil engineers are in high demand wherever engineering expertise is needed to build all types of structures. The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering prepares students to create infrastructure that stands the test of time while using methods and materials that preserve the world's vital resources and protect the environment. This versatile program covers a broad range of subjects, including construction engineering management; environmental engineering; geotechnical engineering and geomechanics; hydraulic and water resources engineering; structural engineering; and transportation, traffic, highway and airport engineering. Paid internships, fieldwork, capstone projects and design-build competitions position graduates to fill much-needed roles in public and private sectors.
Civil Engineering
Prepare to create infrastructure that stands the test of time using methods and materials that preserve the world's vital resources and protect the environment while studying a broad range of subjects. Opportunities for paid internships, fieldwork, capstone projects and design-build competitions position graduates to fill much-needed roles in public and private sectors.
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Level of Math
Substantial Knowledge
Level of Second Language