(CORE) Student Recycling & Facilities Specialist


Cats Optimizing Recycling Education (CORE) is a new project that expands Housing’s efforts to better understand recycling behavior on campus and maximize educational interventions. Reporting to Housing’s Senior Coordinator of Sustainability Operations and Initiatives and collaborating with a Graduate Assistant, the Student Recycling & Facilities Specialist will play a large role in carrying out this project and combatting the issue of recycling contamination in the dorms. The position will involve weekly audits of recycling contents at all dorm locations, many of which are outside. Safety equipment will be provided. Student Recycling Specialists will then use this data to better understand the state of recycling on campus and create/implement informed educational interventions to decrease recycling contamination.

The Housing and Residential Life Facilities Unit has additional administrative needs. This includes support of the Conference and Guest Services (CGS) Unit. In addition to the 10 hours a week dedicated to the CORE project, the student in this position will dedicate another 5 hours a week towards supporting Facilities projects and administration.

This is a 15 hour a week, $14.50 an hour position throughout the academic year.


  • Conduct weekly recycling audits, examining bags of recycling at all dorm locations
  • Document contamination issues and formulate detailed reports
  • Address observed recycling issues by putting up tailored signage on a weekly basis
  • Maintain the signage at the recycling locations, including cleaning, re-taping, and replacing as needed
  • Collaborate with another student worker to create signage, electronic resources, and other interventions that educate students about recycling
  • Conduct one-on-one recycling interventions (e.g., tabling in dorm lobbies)
  • Relay observations/data to a Graduate Assistant to be used in a larger recycling research project
  • Communicate with Community Directors, Resident Assistants (RAs), and other Housing employees to help implement interventions and maintain/improve the recycling sites
  • Become a student recycling contamination expert within Housing, lending expertise for trainings and other educational interventions where needed
  • Regularly maintain CGS Linens and Housing Swap Shop materials at satellite district offices
  • Support CGS key and Temporary Access Card operations
  • Additional duties as assigned to support Housing Facilities

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